Thursday, February 4, 2010

One incredible story...Middle son's prayer warriors

I was, once again humbled beyond words by the God we serve. Or more to the point, He humbles me to the point I have to share the words. First, I want to live my faith the way my friends at my children's school have shown me that they live theirs. Oh what an amazing story I have to share! I have told it out loud three times today, and after the first time Annie said, "Mom, are you going to cry when you tell everyone?!" LOL! YES! I am!

The backstory: last week on Monday, Middle Son and his next oldest brother started at the charter school where younger daughter and the two youngest sons attend. It is a bilingual ASL/English school that was founded for Deaf kids and families with Deaf parents or siblings. It is very small, about 110 kids in PreK through 12th grade. It is not a "Christian School" but is a school full of strong Christians. Middle Son was NOT happy about leaving homeschooling, but Super Daddy and I both felt VERY certain this was what we were being led to do. This particular son has some extreme (I would say PTSD, or very close) anxiety about school settings based on all of the horrible issues at his last brick and mortar school here in the area (bullying was extreme, apathy on the part of the teachers and admin and bus driver to the bullying, etc), and he has never done transitions well, so we anticipated a rough start. Well, last week he had a horrid week-cried, raged, angry, sad, anxiety ridden, and just plain not happy. His teacher, our vice principal (both friends of mine), youngest daughter and youngest son's teacher from last year (also a friend), as well as Super Daddy and I, were all praying for his anxiety to lessen, for him to feel safe, and for his heart to open to the learning and love the school represents. It was a ROUGH week. He and the vp bonded. A lot. Like three times a day, a lot. She and I both were committed to riding it out, reassuring him, and doing what it took to make sure he knew he was safe there and that people truly CARED how he would feel about any given situation.

This week: Starting on Sunday evening (after some anxiety about it Sunday morning/early afternoon), his mood lightened, he was eager to go to school, was excited about learning again, and just had a weight lifted off of his shoulders. I said prayers of thanksgiving and sent him off to school Monday morning with a fear that I would be receiving a phone call by noon. Monday passed with a GREAT end of day report. Tuesday was a repeat of Monday. Today when I got to school to pick them up, I ran into Jacob's teacher in the hallway. She said, hey, I have a story to tell you about Sunday afternoon. What I heard blessed me and moved me to tears, and I think it is well worth repeating to anyone who will hear.

Sunday afternoon: Our beloved teacher and friend gathered seven friends and her 17 yr old daughter. They met at the school. When they arrived, her daughter began playing her guitar, and they all began singing and praising Jesus. They prayed for my middle son, for him to be set free of this fear and to begin to love learning the way he use to. They prayed for a spirit of joy for him, and that he would have a desire to cooperate, to learn, and a spirit of respect for himself, his teachers, and the rest of the people in his life-school and home. They marched around that school seven times, singing and praising until our friend's daughters fingers bled from playing those metal strings in the cold for so long, and yet she kept playing. They kept marching and proclaiming God's victory over the entire situation until that school had been surrounded by HIM, until they had marched seven times, until they had done what they believed God had called them there to do. Most of these people have never met me, never met my son, but all were willing to go where they could serve God to bless a child who was hurting. Ladies, THIS is the faith I want to live. THIS is the love of Jesus I want my children to see, to live, to learn. God is good always, but never have I been so blessed.

I have no idea what God is preparing us for in this family, but He has our attention. Between the missionary preacher who knocked on my door last week to pray with me when he had NO idea why God was sending him to our door and this amazing story, HE HAS MY ATTENTION. I don't know why God has sent such concrete evidence of His love for our family, but all I can say is YES LORD, I AM LISTENING...SEND ME.
I don't think He is physically sending me any where, but I think that sharing these amazing blessings as they happen is definitely what I am suppose to be doing. So this is the miracle God has performed in my house this week. It may not seem a miracle to anyone else, but to us, it truly has been one.

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