Thursday, February 4, 2010

Another month and more happenings

So much this month...always so much! Where to start? I guess with today and we can work backwards.

Today is a bad pain day, but it was a glorious day in so many ways. I had a lovely lunch with my friend Maria, whom I haven't seen in ages. We visited for over an hour, had wonderful Mexican food, and got to catch up on the comings and goings of our families over the last few months. What a blessing! After lunch, I ran to the kids' school to pick them up, and had one of the single coolest stories EVER shared with me (and it was about one of MY kiddos, our friends and teachers who are living their faith in a very real way. Ran to the other school to get eldest son, then home for a round of homework, a few showers, then off to drop the boys at church for youth group. Super Daddy and I had dinner out with Miss Beautiful younger daughter, then off to church to get the boys. Home again, more showers, more homework, and tired kids tucked in safe and sound for the night. Super Daddy is snoozing. I am up, hurting, and waiting for sleep. Until then, I am choosing to blog about the happenings in our household this month, the blessings and answers to prayer, and servants who followed God to bring me to Him when I needed him most. I have not been so humbled in a long time. WHAT A MIRACLE AND BLESSING!

I'll get to those two stories separately in a minute, or maybe tomorrow if I can get sleep tonight, but some scares, blessings, and questions from this month:
  • my best friend of 25+ years had a scare with spots on her mammogram (God is is all clear)
  • my rheumatoid arthritis panel (bloodwork) that I had taken the last week of December finally came back. Turns out that they think the pain is so crummy because in addition to fibromyalgia, I may have lupus too. At least, that is the working diagnosis based on the RA panel. The markers that would indicate lupus are high, evidentally. Next step-see the Rheumatologist.
  • we have had two weeks of pass the gastro-intestinal bug around
  • more rain than sun and lots of cold for the last two weeks
  • a missionary who ended up on my doorstep for the sole purpose of praying for my friend (see above) and I. Really. This is one of the stories I'll write about separately.
  • seven women-some I've never met before-and a young lady of 17 years old living their faith in a most amazing and loving way to bring about miracle-the other story I will write about separately.
  • new birth certificates, social security cards, and other bits and pieces of things arriving in the mail to prove that our adoptions from December are REAL! :)
God is alive and moving mighty mountains in my world right now. Alas, I finally feel like I might be able to drift off, so I'm off to find sleep. I promise to share our cool God stories very soon. In the mean time, anyone who is inclined, please pray for the following situations:

  • our friend's young adopted daughter will be entering "feeding" therapy at the local children's hospital on Monday, February 9th. Miss Smiley Face has only been home from the other side of the world for a brief time, so we are all praising that Mama will be able to attend this month or so of sleep overs at the hospital with her so her bonding and attaching is not interrupted. Also praising that Daddy is able to take FMLA to be with their adorable sons during this time.
  • my friend who is dealing with her own pain and uncertainty related to her MS.
  • for the doc to get me in to see the Rheumatologist asap and for us to have clarity on what is causing this pain (so we can get with a treatment plan already!)
  • for the great works I see moving in my kids to continue.

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